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Browse By Author: P - Project Gutenberg
Samuel Pepys Diary January 1666 complete
In-Depth Articles - The Diary of Samuel.
Samuel Pepys, John Evelyn
In-Depth Articles - The Diary of Samuel. Samuel Pepys - WikipediaSamuel Pepys – Wikipedia, wolna.
Samuel Pepys: Biography from
Samuel Pepys, John Evelyn
Samuel Pepys: Biography from Samuel Pepys' Diary with information about his life and the 17th century background. Selected extracts are supported by a complete transcription of his shorthand text.
The Bagwells. Wednesday 18th July 2012. By John Phillips [John has written this essay about the Bagwell family of Deptford. Latham & Matthews describe William Bagwell
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Samuel Cooper - Wikipedia, the free.
Samuel Pepys (click to enlarge) Samuel Pepys, oil painting by John Hayls, 1666; in the National Portrait Gallery, London
Welcome to the Home Page of the. SAMUEL PEPYS CLUB . Whether you found this site while casually browsing the Internet or were specifically looking for information
Life. He is believed to have been born in London, and was a nephew of John Hoskins, the miniature painter, by whom he was educated. He lived in Henrietta Street
Some letters sent by or to Samuel Pepys. Numbers in brackets indicate quantity of annotations. 27 April 1665, Samuel Pepys to John Evelyn (2) From a letter this day
Samuel Pepys (Londra , 23 febbraio 1633 – Clapham , 26 maggio 1703) è stato un politico e scrittore inglese . Fu uno dei principali funzionari statali del XVII
Samuel Pepys (ur. 23 lutego 1633 , zm. 26 maja 1703) – angielski urzędnik państwowy, pamiętnikarz. Wsławił się pamiętnikami pisanymi w latach 1660-1669